Ketika aku m`nulis entry ni..fikiran aku b`legar2 ttg reality dunia sebenar yg diadaptasi dr dunia maya or lbh sng difahami dunia alam cyber ..Mcm pelik jek bunyi nyek..bkn ape dlm dok m`belek2 blog dr seorg kawan yg dikenali di Facebook..aku t`manggu nyek..ape yg t`kandung dlm blongnya m`buka mata aku sekaligus m`beri sedikit sebanyak motivasi buat aku krna sejak akhir2 ini aku seakan m`merlukan sesuatu yg boleh m`naikkan semangat aku..Mmg aku akui emosi & semangat aku semakin jatuh merundum..mgkin dgn ape yg telah b`laku & lalui sepnjang hidup aku sehinggalah aku 'berjumpa jln pulang'...
Aku yakin gamai di luar sane naik syok dgn Farmville @ Facebook,mcm tu gak aku..pada mula hanya pelik m`lihat kwn2 b`kebun di ladang maya itu,akhirnya aku juga t`jebak..Mmg syok ooo..Ok bkn nk cete pasal itu game but aku nk kongsi disebalik kegilaan penggemar Facebook yg tidak gamai yg sedari in our life..Ikuti kisah nya..Opss seblom tu tq to my Facebook friend -> Ariffin Mamat diats entry yg ku pnjam utk dibuat renungan..
A Farmville Story ->The farmer casted his gaze far into the rolling spread of his acreage, satisfied with the crops flourishing. The strawberries are ready for harvesting. A spread of golden waves of ripe Paddy (rice) is beckoning for his attention too. The cow mooed, chicken clucked, and the horse was trotting on the spot, impatiently. Life as a farmer at his newly acquired FarmVille is changing his outlook about life in general. A few reminders of lessons well learned by his father and fore-fathers are now passed on to him and his next generation. He stood there with two of his sons, hands on his hip, and enjoying every moment together.The shade of the apricot tree provided them with cover from the noon sun as they talked -like a father and sons should! "You get to harvest what you sow!" said the farmer. He went on to elaborate, "In life, you create your successes by starting from the very beginning. By studying hard when you are in school, you are sowing for your future harvest. There is no short cut, just like our FarmVille....we have to plough the land, sow the seeds, and clear the weeds, chase the crows, before we can enjoy the harvest of the fruits!" His two sons nodded without taking their eyes from a sea of red strawberries ! They are ready to help with the harvest. "We should take a picture of the strawberries before we harvest them!" said the youngest one. They did just that....celebrating the success of their labor. "We will also be taking lots of pictures at your convocation, when you graduated with your studies!" the farmer commented, not to lose another opportunity to shovel home the point. "Dad,look ! Your neighbour's farm is alot better than yours..." exclaimed the elder son. Dad took them visiting a few farms in the neighbourhood. A few were very well maintained, with plants blossoming. A few were left to dry and wilted into the soil. "You can tell a lot about the character of the farmers by looking at their farms!" said the farmer. "The same way, people can tell a lot about us by looking at how we look, is that right dad?" the younger son intercepted. "Yes...our work, our friends, our dress, our appearance in general tells the world about who we are!" affirmed the farmer. Then he added, "It is worth remembering that what looks greener on the other side of the fence is not always the case once you get there!" The elder one looks intently at his dad and said, "But there is a saying that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence! You have just contradicted that." "I am just saying, always check the reality before you come to conclusion about anything you see in this world!" Said the dad. With that, he clasped the hands of his two sons and gestured them to follow him into the part of the FarmVille where the strawberries were waiting for them. "Glorious! Marvellous!!" said the two boys in unison. "Say Alhamdulillah....we should always praise God for the rezki He gives us!" said the farmer.
Farmville, a farm where many more stories will unfold... This farmer was introduced to Farmville by his youngest son....and now he is a keen farmer himself. Farmville has become a place where this family exchanges gifts and spend their family time together!
Health warning: Highly addictive, think before starting a farm!
p/s : Ilustrasi gambar adalah dr aku punye Farmville foto..hehehe (* nak gak enterframe ladang fesbuk nyek..)
Absolutely Anything (2015) HD-kwaliteit
9 years ago
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